Not everyone is a dog person, so please be a conscientious and responsible dog owner while enjoying the public space at the Beer Garden.

Dog Policy at the Mayflower Beer Garden
We are dog friendly to friendly dogs. To be fair and considerate to all our guests, four-legged and two, we must be clear on the ground rules:
- Not everyone is a dog person, so please treat the public gathering space at the Beer Garden as if people are not dog lovers.
- If your dog is not trained, is in heat, is hungry or thirsty, has ever been aggressive, do not bring your dog to the Beer Garden.
- Avoid unfortunate surprise encounters with people and/or other dogs by always keeping your dog with you and on a leash.
- You are responsible for cleaning up after your dog. If your dog needs to be taken for a walk during your visit, please bring them away from the Beer Garden and other beer garden guests.
- While walking your dog, recognize that the pup may not always be friendly to all you encounter.
- If your dog does not like other dogs or children or can't stop barking, please do not bring your dog to the Beer Garden.
- We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and any dog, especially based on behavior.
- We reserve the right to ask any dog to be removed if they are aggressive in any way toward other guests or other dogs.
- Concerns about behavior of a specific dog or dogs during the beer garden can be reported to the staff at the Mayflower container so that they may be made aware of the situation, follow up with dog owners, and if necessary, enforce this Dog Policy.
We love our four-legged friends, but this is not a dog park. We are first and foremost a beer garden. While you are here, we will do our best to provide you an enjoyable experience, but please keep in mind we cater to humans first. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.