July 11, 2024 6:00pm – 7:30pm

This one-hour presentation is aimed at a general audience of birders/nature enthusiasts/artists (or appreciators of art) young or older environmentalists and/or therapists.
Pamela has developed an engaging video and slide PowerPoint presentation of her work while weekly volunteering with Mass Audubon and the Southcoast Osprey Nest Monitoring Project on the Westport Riverat Allen’s Pond. Slides include the process of checking nests, counting eggs, and video of day-old baby Ospreys (rarely photographed). She will give a “demo” of banding chicks with an audience participant and describe the translocation of chicks (for the Illinois translocation project). Photographs which inspired her watercolor paintings, the importance of human connection, and finally an “interview” with Mother Earth on how to talk and work together to help heal our environment are all themes of this exciting presentation.