October 3, 2020 9:00am – 5:00pm

Duxbury’s Jane Robbins and Sallyann Roberts are bringing their unique, independent pop-up bookstore to The Pinehills Village Green. After 20 years of reading together in a book club, they started booked. in 2019 in hopes of sharing their passion for books.
You’ll be able to browse a mix of best-selling titles and some of their all-time favorites, both adult and children’s books. They will also take special orders for books they don’t have on hand.
Look for the booked. pop-up shop in the red container on the Village Green on Saturday, October 3 and Saturday, October 10 from 9am – 5pm. *
Check back here for possible schedule changes due to inclement weather.
Website: getbookeddux.square.site
Facebook: www.facebook.com/booked.dux
Instagram: www.instagram.com/booked.dux
*While shopping at booked., please be sure to maintain social distance of 6 ft between you and others while waiting in line or shopping. All shoppers are required to wear face masks covering mouth and nose. Please follow signage and directions provided by booked. at the pop-up shop on The Pinehills Village Green.