September 11, 2022 12:00pm – 6:00pm

Jane Robbins started booked. in 2019 to share her passion for books. At the pop-up, you’ll be able to browse and buy a mix of best-selling titles and some of her all-time favorites, both adult and children’s books. Jane will also take special orders for books she doesn't have on hand.
Rob Dunn Photography
Photographs depicting the everyday contrasts we take for granted. Local, possibly recognizable, landscapes that you may have never noticed in a certain light. Compositions play with contrasting relationships and rely on cloud formations, indirect lines, and the movement of water to create an aesthetic that moves the viewer away from the mundane "rock on a beach" that I believe we are all accustomed to seeing.
The Felted Bee
The Felted Bee specializes in two and three dimensional works of art from wool. Using the techniques of needle and wet felting, The Felted Bee uses wool to create a variety of soft sculptures from cute animals to highly stylized three dimensional sculpted works, as well as two dimensional wool paintings of nature that are full of layers of colors to create depth and dimension. The Felted Bee prides itself on creating high quality, beautiful, one-of-a-kind works of art.
Splashings by Karen Harris
Green Koala
Affordable, handmade, all-natural bath & shower, body care, lip care, and home fragrance products.
Artists Subject to change