Whitman Signature

Whitman Signature

Introducing Whitman Signature LLC, a new, curated home-building company.

Kristen White and Paul Callanan are Co-Managers & Principals of Whitman Signature LLC. As key contributors at Whitman Homes, each for more than 20 years, the duo's complimentary experience provides an extensive background to serve their new Whitman Signature clients. Kristen brings her deep talent in sales management, interior design, selection coordination, process management, and customer service, while Paul excels in custom home construction management, production subcontracting & vendor relations, quality control, and warranty management. 

Whitman Signature launches in The Pinehills with Flagstone. The neighborhood of 5 finely crafted homes is planned and sited to highlight the best views and features of each homesite. Homeowners will choose from an array of designer-selected finishes to customize their homes.

Curated Portfolio Homes at Flagstone from $1.45 million.

For more information about Flagstone, Whitman Signature, or to book an appointment, call 508 209 2000 or use the contact form below.

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Welcome Center

The Summerhouse

33 Summerhouse Drive   •   Plymouth, MA 02360
Open by appointment Wednesday–Sunday, 10am–4pm

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